List of city nicknames in Italy

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Many cities and towns in Italy are popularly known by various nicknames. This list compiles the aliases, sobriquets and slogans that cities in Italy are known by (or have been known by historically), officially and unofficially.[1]


Rome: the ethernal city
Florence: cradle of Renaissance
Venice: the Most Serene
Milan: the Fashion capital
Naples: city of Parthenope
Bologna: the learned. the fat, and the red
Pisa: the glorious

See also


  1. ^ "The many names of Italian cities".
  2. ^ "Agrigento, la città dei templi in Sicilia".
  3. ^ "Alatri, la Città dei Ciclopi".
  4. ^ "Anagni, la Città dei Papi".
  5. ^ "Arpino, la Città di Cicerone".
  6. ^ "Atina, la città di Saturno".
  7. ^ "Campoli Appennino, la città dell'Orso e del Tartufo".
  8. ^ "Patrica, il borgo Presepe".