
First month of the year in the Chinese calendar

Zhēngyuè is the first month of the year in the Chinese calendar. In general, the Vernal Showers are in Zhēngyuè. The name comes from the annual morale-building rite (Chinese: 正旦大朝) in ancient China.

Zhēngyuè 1 is the day of the rooster; Zhēngyuè 2 is the day of the dog; Zhēngyuè 3 is the day of the pig; Zhēngyuè 4 is the day of the goat; Zhēngyuè 5 is the day of the ox; Zhēngyuè 6 is the day of the horse; Zhēngyuè 7 is the day of the human.


  • New Year's Day (Chinese: 春节) is Zhēngyuè 1. The following New Year's Day is February 12, 2021, which is a statutory holiday.
  • The Yuanxiao Festival (Chinese: 元宵) is Zhēngyuè 15. The following Yuanxiao is February 26, 2021.

